Tip #3 Commit To Radical Self-Care

Make a commitment to yourself in 2019!

It is so easy to forget to take care of your own needs. You get so wrapped up with all the items on your “To Do List” regarding family, home and work that those things that help your personal well-being get pushed farther and farther down the priority list until they are non-existent. You put yourself in a position to completely ignore what YOU need in order to make everything around you perfect. This needs to stop! You cannot help others until you are healthy and balanced.

The first thing to be done is to set a goal for yourself in 2019. No, I do not mean that you commit to a work-out program 3 times a week or that you lose 209 pounds. What I have found is that the most successful people are radical about self-care. Find a quiet place and think about what self-care means to you. Is it a massage? Is it a walk in the woods? Is it a Mani-Pedi? Is it going to the gym? Identify what works for you to take you to your “happy place” and then do it often. It could be just committing to saying, “No” to request that drain you or that you do not have the time for. That in itself is an important step in taking care of yourself.

As you start this new year, look at your schedule each day and determine where you can slip in some time for yourself. Commit to scheduling your self-care. It could start out as something as simple as getting up a little earlier to have coffee with your spouse, taking the time to put on a mud mask first before bathing the kids or making a habit of putting aside some time to mark off those items you have completed from your “To Do List”. You know what is best what they say on the plane before a flight. “It is critical to put your mask on first before you try to help someone else.”

Love and Light!