Tip #1 Let It Go!

Welcome to 7 Tips To Making 2019 Your Best Year Ever

This upcoming new year gives us the opportunity to start afresh, with a blank slate, to think about the possibilities on the horizon. Whether you need to add habits to your day or rid yourself of those unnecessary things you have been holding onto, this is the time to begin planning for new opportunities and clearing your lists. I love this time of year! It is a wonderful thing to look back on your past year, reflect on how you grew and what it is you learned, and then say goodbye to the past 12 months.

With that in mind, I am excited to share with you some tips to help you set yourself up for the best possible outcome. I will send a new tip out every day for the next six days! I am not suggesting that you do every one of these. Take a look at these prompts and decide what works best for you. If you say, “Hmmm, I like that!” or “I can do that!”, then try it. If your response is, “Ummm, not so much.”, then it is not for you. Just Let it go!

Also, don’t hesitate to make it your own. The Vision Board, for example. It may not work for you to create this big Vision Board that you can see every time you walk into the office. Your boss does not need to know that you envision doing his/her job. Maybe what is best for you is to create a Vision Board on your computer and print it off. Then you can put it with your Planner or someplace where only you can see it. You can even create it and make it the background on your computer. The idea is to make it work for you.

One more thing…these tips do not have a deadline. We don’t want to add one more thing to your list. Do them in your own time – but do them! You will not regret it.

Let’s get this party started with Tip #1

Find a quiet place and reflect on your life. Take an inventory of your current circumstances and investigate those areas which cause you to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Visualize your destination.

Make a list of what you would like to give up: old habits, self-doubt, toxic relationships, clothes that no longer fit, anger, whatever occurs to you. Write it down if you like and reflect on how these things you would like to let go of have served you so far. Remember, what we resist, persists. So, it is very important that we accept those things that we want to let go of as a gift. Express your gratitude and acceptance and let it go!

We spend so much of our lives forming attachments to things, people, places, thoughts and emotions that our lives become overburdened with trivial things that really do not matter. The truth is, the space will be filled when you make a conscious decision to let go of that which does not serve you. It is as simple as dropping the thoughts, emotion or circumstances that take up residency within you.

Start by organizing that closet or junk drawer and getting rid of what no longer works for you. The clothes that are stained or too tight or too yellow! Release yourself from a relationship that is unfulfilling. Only you know what needs to be gotten rid of and only you can begin this process. Reflect on those relationships that draw energy away from you and leave you feeling empty and uninspired.

Clear the space that is holding you back and replace it with habits that create a better, more vibrant and loving you. Make this new year, YOUR year and never look back!

Love and Light!

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